My Wish Lists and Quotes
Correctional Industries holds Mandatory State Contract #20122, which includes Office Systems Furniture, Ergonomic Seating, Institutional Furniture, Residential Living Furniture (dormitory), Lounge Furniture, Storage, Tables, Desk Systems, CAD Services, Classroom Furnishings, Office Accessories, Custom and Modified Furniture.
Payment is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. Applicable prices are those in effect at the time of receipt of your order. All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Correctional Industries reserves the right to offer quantity discounts on a case by case basis.
Please send payments to:
CI Accounts Receivable
P.O. Box 41116
Olympia, WA 98504-1116
CI will acknowledge orders in writing (with the exception of Fast Fulfillment orders) within ten (10) working days after receipt of an accurate and complete order. Order is not considered received until all information provided by the customer for the product, billing, and shipping data is complete and accurate. Orders are accepted by CI per terms on the acknowledgment.
The customer may cancel or change orders for standard contract items without penalty within five (5) working days from purchase order receipt. After this period, CI may impose a 35% penalty of the item(s) being canceled and/or changed. If a customer cancels an order for modified or custom items, CI may impose up to a 100% penalty of the item(s) being canceled.
All Correctional Industries orders are acknowledged with a due date based upon the product with the longest lead time. Unless instructed otherwise, partial shipments may be delivered sooner when available. CI will make every effort to deliver your purchased products in a timely manner. Delivery schedule is determined after receipt of an accurate and complete order. Receipt of order is the day an accurate and complete order is faxed to CI. If an order is mailed to CI, the delivery date should be calculated starting five (5) working days after an accurate and complete order is mailed. For delivery outside Washington, please contact Customer Service.
As problems may occasionally arise at the time of delivery, Purchaser should identify a contact person and their telephone number on their order. If telephone notification prior to delivery is required (usually 24 hours prior), the order must clearly so state and the name and telephone number of the contact person must be provided. Telephone contact shall be construed as direct communication with the contact person or appropriate agency representative (voice mail is unacceptable notification). If CI neglects to provide telephone notification prior to delivery when requested, Purchaser may refuse delivery. If this occurs, the goods shall be redelivered as mutually agreed with Purchaser or no later than the next scheduled delivery route.
CI reserves the right to impose a storage fee on orders that, by customer's request, are held at a CI facility beyond 30 days after customer’s due date. The storage rate will be calculated at $0.55 per square foot of warehouse space that the order is occupying. Purchaser will be provided a quote for the cost of storage with the notification of the imposed storage effective date.
Order Delivery Schedules
Delivery schedules are in calendar days, and contingent upon the receipt of a complete and accurate order by CI:
Product delivered to a warehouse loading dock, private residence, or defined storage facility only. Product remains palletized and packaged. CI removes and retains blanketing at the time of delivery. (Service does not include placement into a building or basic assembly). CI will determine the best delivery method via its own fleet, US Mail, or common carriers. Delivery is considered to be a shipment to the dock or door of the shipping address provided. For online orders, if a delivery method is not selected and shipping fees are not calculated during the product selection process, then standard shipping charges will be billed on the customer's invoice.
Thurston and Adjacent Counties
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 5%*
Non-standard and weekends @ 7%*
*CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $75.00.
All Non-Bordering Counties of Thurston
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 8%**
Non-standard and weekends @ 10%**
**CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $100.00.
Product delivered to a customer location that is not a warehouse or storage facility. Product is delivered inside a building and/or set-in-place within a cubical or other designated area. This service includes the removal of all packaging and associated debris and does not provide for the assembly or installation of products (e.g. monitor arms, conference tables, mobile pedestals, personal space lockers, and other similar products). CI will provide inside delivery as requested on an as-needed basis by the contract users. Orders requiring this service shall be clearly indicated and documented.
Thurston and Adjacent Counties
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 10%*
Non-standard and weekends @ 15%*
*CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $75.00.
All Non-Bordering Counties of Thurston
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 12%**
Non-standard and weekends @ 18%**
**CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $100.00.
As an optional service to purchasers, CI will provide delivery and installation of its products. Installation service requires the use of labor and/or tools for assembly and is usually performed at the time of delivery or as a separately scheduled installation. Purchasers shall identify their installation request in writing on original or change order. This service shall include receipt, inspection, delivery, unpacking, installation (which includes coordination through project completion, and project managers), and proper disposal of packaging. Receipt will be at CI's warehouse or at the purchaser’s installation site, at the option of the purchaser and concurrence of CI. Correctionla Industries will handle freight claims.
Thurston and Adjacent Counties
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 24%*
Non-standard and weekends @ 30%*
*CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $75.00.
All Non-Bordering Counties of Thurston
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 26%**
Non-standard and weekends @ 35%**
**CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $100.00.
Certain products may be eligible for home door delivery. Inside delivery and installation are not available at this time for home delivery. Shipments will be delivered via common carrier, and may use multiple delivery services. Fees for home delivery will be determined after receipt of order and will be added at the time of invoicing. Please contact customer service for estimated delivery fees. Special conditions may apply.
Thurston and Adjacent Counties
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 5%*
Non-standard and weekends @ 7%*
*CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $75.00.
All Non-Bordering Counties of Thurston
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 8%**
Non-standard and weekends @ 10%**
**CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $100.00.
Delivery and installation services are provided at a combined discount rate.
Thurston and Adjacent Counties
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 14%*
Non-standard and weekends @ 22%*
*CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $75.00.
All Non-Bordering Counties of Thurston
Standard M-F (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) @ 16%**
Non-standard and weekends @ 25%**
**CI reserves the right to charge a minimum inside delivery and/or installation fee of $100.00.
As an optional service to Purchasers, CI will provide delivery and installation of its products. Purchasers shall identify their installation request in writing on original or change order. Installation shall be provided in a professional manner and in accordance with the furniture and installation plan mutually agreed upon. Modifications by the customer to the layout at the time of install may result in additional charges*. The premises shall be left in a clean and safe condition. Enterprise Services reserves the right to require CI to repair any damage for negligent installation or provide full compensation as determined by Purchaser. CI will also be responsible for any other damage to Purchaser’s property due to negligence on the part of CI's laborers.
Prior to delivery/installation, Purchaser will clear designated area for the placement/installation of CI products. Purchaser’s IT staff should be onsite to remove and reinstall all IT components. CI will provide installation service under the direction of a Purchaser representative. Written confirmation that the installation was satisfactorily completed will be required from Purchaser to CI with comments to Procurement Coordinator as deemed necessary by Purchaser and/or CI. When installation is requested by Purchaser, all products to be installed shall be delivered all at once (excluding pre-planned phased installations), including all hardware. Delivery of products for installation is CI’s responsibility. Freestanding components (chairs, file cabinets, desks, etc.) will not be subject to installation charges, but subject to inside delivery. Installation shall begin simultaneously with delivery of products that are subject to installation, unless otherwise requested by Purchaser. If installation does not occur as scheduled with Purchaser, the late penalties clause will apply (penalties to begin the first day of non-installation).
Installation will not include electrical power connections which require a licensed electrician to perform the work. Purchaser may hire a separate contractor to do the electrical connections consistent with prevailing wage laws. Purchaser reserves the right to install items with its own personnel or other third party(ies). Purchaser shall first receive prior approval from CI before using an outside third party for installation. CI shall provide detailed installation instructions. Improper installation by others shall void manufacturer’s warranty.
*Non-warranty service work (e.g., reconfiguration services, movement of existing furniture within customer location) shall be charged at $250.00/hour (one hour minimum charge) prorated in ¼ hour increments for a "crew."
Anytime damaged, defective, or receipt of incorrect merchandise is discovered it should be brought to the immediate attention of a Customer Service Representative at 1.800.628.4738. Concealed damage or shortages are to be reported within five (5) working days of receipt of merchandise. Failure to provide notice within five days constitutes acceptance of the product. The purchaser should retain the carton and locate a copy of the signed freight bill to facilitate inspection. Once CI is notified of receipt of damaged or incorrect merchandise, CI shall notify customer within three (3) working days of a corrective action being taken and time frame, which is mutually agreed upon. When damage is identified at the time of delivery it should immediately be brought to the attention of the delivery driver and so noted on the receiving report.
Any standard item(s) may be returned within five (5) working days after receipt provided:
A restocking charge equal to 50% of the net purchase price (before taxes) will be paid by the customer when the above conditions are met. The customer will be responsible for return freight cost. However, if error was caused by CI, there will be no restocking charge.
CI warrants its products to be free of defects in material and workmanship from the date of the delivery. The Furniture Warranty Statement provides for repair and/or replacement free of charge to the customer at CI's discretion (which includes labor, materials, freight, and travel costs associated with the repair and/or replacement).
Space planning services for draft drawings, material quotes, and procurement documents will be assessed a design fee. Account Executives meet with the customer to create a workspace plan that fits the project needs and budget to include product/project specifications, finishes, and coordination with all stakeholders through installation. CAD layout drawings and electrical diagrams, as applicable, are provided along with detailed bills of material. CI maintains this information electronically for future inventory management and reconfigurations projects.
Initial Space Planning Fee @ 2% of product order value (minimum fee of $150). Includes two (2) revisions
Additional revisions @ $50 for
Reconfiguration services includes changing the existing furniture layout (from archived electronic space plan) to the new design plan. CAD layout drawings and electrical diagrams, as applicable, are provided along with detailed bills of materials for remaining existing inventory and new products and components needed for purchase. Existing layout, inventory verification, and labor services are provided by a CI staff lead and incarcerated crew members.
Reconfiguration Space Planning Fee @ $150 per hour